HESA Data Futures for 4.40
The following changes have been made to the HESA Data Futures module for 4.40:
Use of HESA Data Futures is controlled by the EBS4HESAALT licence.

The HESA DF Local Verifiers has been set to a maximum of two characters for the following screens:
HESA Care Scheme (Local)
HESA Credit Scheme (Local)
HESA Gender Identity (Local)
HESA Nationality (Local)
HESA Parental Education (Local)
HESA Religion (Local)
HESA Sex Identifier (Local)
HESA Sexual Orientation (Local)
HESA Socio Economic Classification (Local)

The Highest Qualification on Entry field in Reference Data > Highest Qualification on Entryhas been set to a maximum of five characters.

The pages for Progressions (15486) can be found in System > Screen Manager > Pages
The LearnerBlockProgressions (11606) page can be for searched using the Name or Id field.
In Page Controls > LearnerBlockProgressions > Wideboy the following HESA columns are available for the United Kingdom.
Care Leaver
Parental Education
Socio Economic Classification
Student Identifier
Gender Identity
Scottish Candidate Number
Sex Identifier
Sexual Orientation
Student Support Number
UCAS Personal Identifier
Country of Domicile
Previous Institution
Socio Economic Classification 2010
In Page Controls > LearnerBlockProgressions > Wideboy the following HESA columns are available for the Northern Ireland only.
Marital Status
Religious Background
In Page Controls > LearnerBlockProgressions > Wideboy the following HESA columns are available for the Scotland only.
Service Leaver
Service Student
Access Programme
In Page Controls > LearnerBlockProgressions > Wideboy the following HESA columns are available for the Wales only.
Language Preference
Level of Proficiency
In Page Controls > LearnerBlockProgressions > Wideboy the following HESA columns are available for the England only.
APEL Credits
Credit Points Count' Towards Study
Credit Scheme
Under Column Details the columns will be marked editable.
The edit icon is displayed and indicates a record has been edited.
The edited fields will appear in green.
The Learners tab is only editable to users with the MANAGELEARNERS role and the EBS4BulkEditLearners licence.

The Show Invalid Data check box is displayed under Learner Manager > Learners
Show Invalid Data check box has been selected. Only invalid data and the error icon are displayed.
Show Invalid Data check box has been deselected, Learners will display all valid and invalid information.

The Flood Fill button in Learner Manager > Learners > Grid Edit becomes active when a field is being edited.
Select Flood Fill. The Copy Selected Value message is displayed.
All Rows - All Rows will be populated.
Selected Row Down - All rows below the selected row will be populated.
Blank Rows - Only rows with a blank value will be populated. This will display the total number of blank rows.
Cancel - The editing of selected fields will be cancelled. The Learners page will return to the unedited state.

The Progress Process message is displayed on saving the updates.
The user is prevented from closing message before process has been completed.
The Process - Finished message is displayed after the validation process is complete.
The validation error message is displayed and shows the number of records in error.
Click on the Activity Viewer button.
The activity viewer is displayed which displays the reason for failure.

Only active HESA verifiers in System > Reference Data are displayed in the HESA local fields.

The following information is contained within the BITTM marker:
01 - Course does not lead to a formal certificate in bilingual education but is designed to enable students to teach bilingually.
02 - Course leads to a formal certificate of bilingual education.
03 - Course does not lead to a formal certificate of bilingual education nor is it designed to enable students to teach bilingually.

The following information is contained in the CLSDCRS field:
01 - Closed Course.
02 - Not a closed course.

The following information is contained in the FULLYFLEX field:
01 - Fully flexible course